Yea I just rewatched and Sombra does his shadow teleport a few more times, it defintely looks the same as when Chrysalis/Tirek/Cozy were summoned. But in hindsight, it might be that Grogar canada goose coats asked Sombra to pull them from Tartarus instead? Sombra was already in the room when they were teleported in. Well no he wasn but he appeared in a swirl of darkness in a showboating manner, he definitely was not surprise summoned there, especially considering he was revived by Grogar.
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If we size this down for an easy way to understand, let say there are 100 people, and 1 shelter. Let also assume 5 out of those 100 are sex offenders and 25 are children. Are we to assume they shouldn save the sex offenders? Or when bringing them to shelter they have to background check? How do you turn someone away during disaster?.
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It litte different then pulling the trigger. Don most soldiers sign up for the money? How is that different from most doctors. They tell themselves the lies they have to believe to get through their day. The Po Co people are awful. They even worse than the Po Mo ones, because they expressly promoting insane and dangerous non Western folk practices. If it not Western, it great! Personally, I like to see everyone less dead.
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